Newton da Costa Logic Prize

1) Every three years is attributed a prize

2) Each contestant should submit a non published paper (between 10 to 30 pages) written in English

3) The jury is formed by  5 researchers working in Brazil representative of all areas of logic and the geography of the country

4) The prize, besides being honorific, supports the participation (travel + housing + registration fee) of the winner to the World Congress of Universal Logic and the publication of the paper in the journal Logica Universalis, Birkhäuser

5) There is no restriction of age, sex, race, nationality. The contestant only needs to live in Brazil, be affiliated to a University in Brazil (or other educational institution), and to the member of the Brazilian Society of Logic.

Newton da Costa Logic Prize 2018

i) Participation to UNILOG'2018 in Vichy: airticket + housing + registration fees will be provided to the winner

ii) Send your paper by April 30, 2018 to prizes@logica-universalis.org

iii) Jury 2018
Francisco Antonio Doria, UFRJ - Chair
Andreas Brunner, UFBA - Mathematical Logic
Osvaldo Pessoa, USP - Philosophy of Science
Mario Benevides, UFRJ - Logic and Computation
Abilio Rodrigues, UFMG - Philosophical Logic

This prize is part of the project



Newton da Costa

First President of the Brazilian Society of Logic 

President of Honor of  the
Brazilian Academy of Philosophy

Organizers of the Prize:
Jean-Yves Béziau (University of Brazil)
Itala D'Ottaviano (UNICAMP)

The 2018 Winner is:
Jonas R. Becker Arenhart (Federal University of Santa Catarina Florianópolis, Santa Catarina) for his paper:
“New logics for quantum non-individuals?”