Aim of the School This school is on universal logic. Basically this means that tutorials will present general techniques useful for a comprehensive study of the numerous existing systems of logic and useful also for building and developing new ones. ASL student travel awards are available For PhD students, postdoctoral students and young researchers interested in logic, artificial intelligence, mathematics, philosophy, inguistics and related fields, this will be a unique opportunity to get a solid background for their future researches. The school is intended to complement some very successful interdisciplinary summer schools which have been organized in Europe and the USA in recent years: The ESSLLI (European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information) in Europe and the NASSLLI (North American Summer School on Logic, Language and Information) - this last one has been launched recently by one of us (Darko Sarenac). The difference is that our school will be more focused on logic, there will be less students (these events gather several hundreds of students) and a better interaction between advanced students and researchers through the combination of the school and the congress (Participants of the School are strongly encouraged to submit a paper for the congress). We also decided to schedule our event in Spring in order not to overlap with these big events.
School of Universal Logic Each tutorial will be presented in 3 sessions of 1h15. The tutorials will be given by a wide range of logical scholars from around the world:
Jean-Yves Beziau, UFC, Fortaleza, Brazil Patrick Blackburn, LORIA, Nancy, France Arthur Buchsbaum, UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil Mihir Chakraboti, Calcutta, India Marcelo Coniglio, UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil Catarina Dutilh-Novaes, ILLC, Amsterdam, Razvan Diaconescu, Romanian Acad., Bucarest Fernando Ferreira, University of Lisbon, Portugal Andreas Herzig, IRIT, Toulouse, France Decio Krause, UFSC, Florianopolis, Brazil Tamar Lando, UC Berkeley, USA Jui-Lin Lee, National Formosa University, Taiwan João Marcos, UFRN, Natal, Brazil Paulo Mateus, IST, Lisbon, Portugal Friederike Moltmann, IHPST, Paris, France Alessio Moretti, University of Nice, France Ole Hjorland, St Andrews University, Scotland Jean Sallantin, LIRMM, Montpellier, France Fabien Schang, TU Dresden, Germany Darko Sarenac, Colorado State University, USA Tom Skura, University of Zielona Gora, Poland Heinrich Wansing, TU Dresden , Germany Greg Wheeler, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal Andrzej Wisniewski, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poland You can find here the list and description of the 21 tutorials availbale at the universal school of logic. |