Department of Mathematics, University of Florence, Italy
"Recent developments in Lukasiewicz logic"
Phridoni Alshibaia
University of Tbilisi, Georgia
"On Finitely Valued Bimodal Symmetric Gödel Logics"
Arthur Buchsbaum and Alvaro Altair
Ferreira da Silva
Dpt of Computer Sciences, Federal University of Santa Catarina - UFSC, Brazil
"A Generalization of
the Principles of Weak Induction, Complete Induction and Well Order and
Their Equivalence Conditions"
José David Fernández Curado and Renata Wassermann
Dpt of Mathematics, USP, Brazil
"Belief Revision in Description Logics with
Francicleber M. Ferreira
Fortaleza, Brazil
"Bounded-Degree Second-Order and Transitive Closure Logics"
Josep Maria Font
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Bareclona, Spain
"A Logic with almost no Properties"
Gilberto Gomes
Laboratory of Cognition and Language, North Fluminense State University - UENF, Brazil
"A new theory of conditionals (almost completely made up of old ideas)"
Walter Gomide
Dpt of Philosophy, Federal University of Matto Grosso - UFMT, Brazil
"Trans-arithmetic and the principle of non-contradiction"
Paulo de Tarso Guerra, Aline Andrade and Renata Wassermann
Dpt of Mathematics, USP - Dpt of Computer Science, Federal University of Bahia, Brazil
"Revising formal program specifications using

Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
"Translation results in substructural logics"
Paul Healey
London - UK
"Freedom from the belief in ungrounded Probability Functions
Juin-Lin Lee
Dpt of Computer Science, National Formosa University, Taiwan
"Explosiveness and Model Existence"
Vilém Novák
Institute for Research and Applications of Fuzzy Modeling - IRAFM,
University of Ostrava, Czech Republic
"Many-Valued (Fuzzy) Type Theories
V.M.Popov, V.O.Shangin and A.A.Solotschenkov
Moscow State University, Russia
"Between I(w,w) and the set of all formulas"
Denis I.Saveliev
Moscow State University, Russia
"Alternatives to the Law of Double Negation and Modal Logic of Actions of Semigroups"
Stepan S. Shkilnyak and Mykola S.Nikitchenko
Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine
"Composition-Nominative Logics of Partial Quasiary Functions and Predicates"
Julio Michael Stern
Dpt of Mathematics, University of São Paulo - USP, Brazil
"Traveling Around the Moebius Band
- The Logic of Scientific Discovery"
Gwynne Taraska
Institute for Philosophy and Public Policy
George Mason University, USA
"A Paraconsistent, Paracomplete, and Classically Valued Propositional Logic"