Gila Sher
Dpt of Philosophy, University of California, San Diego, USA
"The Foundational Problem of Logic"

Gilead Bar-Elli
Dot of Philosophy, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
"The Universality of Logic – a Non-Semantic Approach"

Christoph Benzmüller
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Free University of Berlin, Germany
"Higher-Order Logic based Universal reasoning"

Yu.V. Ivlev
Department of Logic, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Russia
"What is a Universal Logic?"




Sun-Joo Shin
Dpt of Philosophy, Yale University, USA
"The universalism of multimodal logic"

Natalia M.Buacar
University of Buenos Aires and CONICET, Argentina
"The Universalist Conception and the Justification of Logic"

Yaroslav Kokhan
Institute of Philosophy - Ukraine
"Predicate Logic is not Universal"

Ingolf Max
University of Leipzig, Germany
"How universal can multi-dimensional logics be?"

Vladimir Vasyukov
Russian Academy of Sciences. Moscow
"Inner Language of Universal Logic"