Consistency and Classical Satisfiability Jui-Lin Lee Center for General Education
and Department of CSIE, |
In classical logic the extended completeness theorem (T ⊨φ implies that T ⊢φ for any set of sentences T and any sentence φ) is frequently proved by the following two steps: (RAA) If T cannot derive φ, then T∪ {¬φ} is consistent (for any set T and any sentence φ). In this course
we investigate this meta-logical property CME.
Since there are many different consistencies and in non-classical logics they
are not always equivalent, we will study consistency first. (Note that with
different consistencies the meaning of CME
could be different.) Then we present ways to construct non-classical
logics/proof systems (by selecting axioms or rules) which satisfy CME, and discuss how one can construct
a weaker system still satisfying CME.
These (propositional or predicate) logics include some (weak extensions of) paraconsistent logics, subintuitionistic
logics, or substructural logics. Applications of CME include Glivenko-style
theorem and pure implicational logic. Furthermore, we will also analyze the necessary-and-sufficient
condition of CME (which is related
to Left Resolutation Gentzen
system in [3]) and discuss other model existence property.
References: [1] J.-Y. Béziau, “Sequents and bivaluations”, Logique et Analyse, Vol. 44,
pp.373-394, 2001. [2] Jui-Lin
Lee, “Classical model existence
theorem in propositional logics”, in Jean-Yves Béziau
and Alexandre Costa-Leite
(eds.), Perspectives
on Universal Logic, pages 179-197, Polimetrica,
[3] Jui-Lin
Lee, “Classical Model Existence
and Left Resolution”, Logic and Logical Philosophy, Vol. 16 No
4, pages 333-352, 2007. [4] Jui-Lin
Lee, “The
Classical Model Existence Theorem in Subclassical Predicate Logics I”,
in D. Makinson, J. Malinowski,
H. Wansing (eds.), Towards Mathematical Philosophy,
Trends in Logic 28, pages 187-199, Springer, 2008. [5] Richard Zach,
“Proof Theory of
Finite-Valued Logics”, Diploma Thesis, Technische
Universität Wien, |