Truth Values
Department of Philosophy Department of Philosophy II This tutorial provides a detailed introduction into the conception of truth values, an important notion of modern logical semantics and philosophy of logic, explicitly introduced by Gottlob Frege. Frege conceived this notion as a natural component of his language analysis where sentences, being saturated expres- sions, are interpreted as a special kind of names referring to a special kind of objects: the True (das Wahre) and the False (das Falsche). These are essentially the truth values of classical logic, which obey the principle of bivalence saying that there may exist only two distinct logical values. • primitive abstract objects denoted by sentences in natural and formal languages, • abstract entities hypostatized as the equivalence classes of sentences, • what is aimed at in judgements, • values indicating the degree of truth of sentences, • entities that can be used to explain the vagueness of concepts, • values that are preserved in valid inferences, • values that convey information concerning a given proposition. Depending on their particular use, truth values can be treated as unanalyzed, as defined, as unstructured, or as structured entities. Moreover, the classical conception of truth values can be developed further and generalized in various ways. One way is to give up the principle of bivalence, and to proceed to many-valued logics dealing with more than two truth values. Another way is to generalize the very notion of a truth value by reconstructing them as complex units with an elaborate nature of their own. In fact, the idea of truth values as compound entities nicely conforms with the modelling of truth values in some many-valued systems, such as three-valued (Kleene, Priest) and four-valued (Belnap) logics, as certain subsets of the set of classical truth values. The latter approach is essentially due to Michael Dunn, who proposed to generalize the notion of a classical truth-value function in order to represent the so-called “underdetermined” and “overdetermined” valuations. Namely, Dunn considers a valuation to be a function not from sentences to elements of the set {the True, the False } but from sentences to subsets of this set. By developing this idea, one arrives at the concept of a generalized truth value function, which is a function from sentences into the subsets of some basic set of truth values. The values of generalized truth value functions can be called generalized truth values.
Session 1. Session 2. Session 3.
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