The secret speaker is a speaker whose identity is revealed only at the time of her / its / his speech. The presence of the secret speaker gives a dramatic touch to the UNILOG event since the first edition in Montreux in 2005.

Previous secret speakers at UNILOG include Saul Kripke, Jaakko Hintikka, Grigori Mints, Benedikt Löwe and exclude Brigitte Bardot, Kurt Gödel, Aristotle Schwarzenegger, Saharon Shelah ...

The talk of the secret speaker will be at a secret time in a secret place. Keep your eyes open.



Guess who she / it / he is and win a free banquet dinner! (UNILOG Banquet will take place Sunday 24 of June at 20h at Aletti Palace )

Send your guess before June 15 midnight to:
The happy winner will be the first to send the right answer. All participants of UNILOG are welcome to play, except the secret speaker.
Hint: "What I tell you three times is true." (The Hunting of the Snark, Lewis Carroll)

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