Christian Strasser
(joint work with Jesse Heyninck)
Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany
"Argumentation semantics for adaptive logics"

Iovan Drehe
Romanian Academy Iaşi Branch, Iaşi, Romania
"Fallacy and virtue argumentati

Hanna Karpenko
Lille 3 University, France
"Epistemic dialogical logic with possibility of revision"

Joke Meheus
Ghent University, Belgium
"A unified framework for different types of normative conflicts"

João Daniel Dantas de Oliveira
Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil
"What does the slingshot needs to shoot?: Slingshots arguments and plural logics"

Valery B. Tarassov
Bauman Moscow State Technical University,Russia
"Dia-logics and dia-semantics: a bilattice-based approach"

Vadim Vagin, Marina Fomina and Oleg Morosin
National Research University MPEI, Moscow, Russia
"Application of argumentation in generalization problems"

For co-authored papers, first is the name of the one who will present the talk. Talks are located in a workshop or in a session
Keynote talks= 45 mn / Contributed talks = 30 mn (including discussion in both cases)