Ahmet Çevik
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey
"Is the Church-Turing thesis the new Pythagoreanism?"

Vaston Gonçalves da Costa, Edward Hermann Haeusler, Marcela Quispe Cruz and Jefferson de Barros Santos
Federal University of Goías and PUC - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
"Np system and Mimp-graph association"

Marek Czarnecki, Dariusz Kalociński, Michał T. Godziszewski
University of Warsaw, Poland
"Learnability in the limit and the Church’s thesis"


Michal Tomasz Godziszewski
University of Warsaw, Poland
"Computational properties of undecidable sentences - (un)provability and learnability"

Edward Hermann Haeusler
Dpt of Informatics, PUC-Rio,Brazil
"On non-standard finite computational models"



Dariusz Kalociński and Michal T. Godziszewski
University of Warsaw, Poland
"Computational complexity of Barwise's sentence and similar natural language constructions"

Felipe Manyà and Chu Min Li
Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (IIIA) Spanish National Research Council (CSIC), Spain and Laboratoire MIS Universite de Picardie, France ́
"New insights into minimum satisfiability"

Manuel A.Martins and Sergey Babenyshev
Dept of Mathematics, University of Aveiro, Portugal
"Behavioral equivalence of equivalent hidden logics"

Saeed Salehi
University of Tabriz, and IPM, Iran
"Theorems of Tarski and Gödel's second incompleteness - computationally"

Benoît Sauzay, Gaëll Guibert and Jean-Pierre Desclés
STIH-LaLIC Paris-Sorbonne, Paris, France
"Algebraic and logical operations on operators: one application to semantic computation"




For co-authored papers, first is the name of the one who will present the talk. Talks are located in a workshop or in a session
Keynote talks= 45 mn / Contributed talks = 30 mn (including discussion in both cases)