Una Stojnić
Dept of Philosophy, Rutgers University, USA
"One’s Modus Ponens: classical logic and semantics for modality"

Mathieu Beirlaen
Dpt of Philosophy, Ruhr University, Bochum, Germany
"A recipe for safe detachment"


Hanife Bilgili
University of Istanbul, Turkey
"Transworld identity: some questions and some answers

Samuel C. Fletcher
Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
"Counterfactuals within scientific theories"

David R. Gilbert and Giorgio Venturi
State University of Campinas, Brazil
"Reflexive insensitive modal logics"


Tamar Ariela Lando
Columbia University, New York, USA
"First order modal logic and its topological semantics"

Tony Marmo
University of Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
"Matters of value and of concept"

Krystyna Mruczek-Nasieniewska and Marek Nasieniewski
Department of Logic, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Torun, Poland
"Completeness for some Beziau logics"


Iskender Taşdelen
Anadolu University, Turkey
"Infinitary modal logic for convergence in distance spaces"

For co-authored papers, first is the name of the one who will present the talk. Talks are located in a workshop or in a session
Keynote talks= 45 mn / Contributed talks = 30 mn (including discussion in both cases)