Abdul Jaleel Kadhim Alwali
Department of Philosophy, United Arab Emirates University
“Logic Functions in the Philosophy of Al-Farabi”
Emre Arda Erdenk
Department of Philosophy, Karamanoglu Mehmetbey University, Karaman, Turkey
“A New Method of Demonstration for Aristotle's Ontological Syllogistic”
Stamatios Gerogiorgakis
Department of Philosophy, University of Erfurt, Germany
“Does the Metalogic that Underlies the Aristotelian Logic Resemble what Timothy Williamson Calls a 'Folk Logic'?”
Paul Healey
Independent Scholar, London, UK
“Interpretations of Chance within the Dialectic”
Fatma Karaismail
Istanbul University, Turkey
“The Essence of Transformation in Methods of Inference in Medieval Islam”
Esma Kayar
Philosophy Department, Istanbul University, Turkey
“The Principle of Excluded Middle in Kant”
Yu Li and
Jian Ming Zhou
MIS, University of Picardie Jules Verne, Amiens, France
“Nondeterminism and Chinese Traditional Logic”
Geneviève Lachance
Department of Philosophy, University of Geneva, Switzerland
“Eristic and the origin of logic”
Brian MacPherson
Department of Philosophy, University of Windsor, Canada
“Should Hegel's theory of the syllogism be included in the history of logic?”
Sara Ipakchi
Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf, Germany
“A justification for Aristotle's Thesis on the basis of the law of non-contradiction”
John Martin
University of Cincinnati, USA
“Renaissance Analysis as a Solution to the Problem of Induction”
Ruxandra Irina Vulcan
University Paris Sorbonne, France
“Alsteed's Encyclopedy”
Byeong-uk Yi
Department of Philosophy, University of Toronto, Canada
“Two Syllogisms in the Mozi: Chinese Logic and Language”