June 25 afternoon and June 26 full day

Workshop at
UNILOG'2018 organized
Shahid Rahman
Hans Christian Nordtveit Kvernenes Dpt of Philosophy, Univ. Lille 3, UMR: 8163, STL, CNRS, France
The workshop will discuss new insights in the interaction between logic and law, and more precisely the study of different answers to the question:
What role does logic play in legal reasoning?
It will present both current challenges and historical perspectives in the relation between logic and law. The perspectives to be discussed involve
the interface of the following studies:
Foundational studies
- Logical Principles and Frameworks
- Meaning
- Reasoning in Deontic Contexts
- Legal practice and Computer-Based Modelisations
- Argumentation Theory
Historical perspectives
- Legal reasoning in Ancient Roman, Arabic, Jewish and Far-East contexts
- Others contexts
Call for papers
The submissions should contribute to the development of those perspectives by the discussion of subjects such as:
Analogical Reasoning in Law
Deontic Logic and Law
Non-Monotonic Reasoning and Law
Defeasible Reasoning and Law
Argumentation Theory within legal Contexts
Epistemic Logics and Law
Joergensen's Dilemma
Hypothetical Reasoning and Law
Proof-Theory and Legal reasoning
Reliabilty, Epistemic Logics and Legal Reasoning
Probability and Legal Reasoning
Contributed talks should not exceed a duration of 30 minutes including discussion. A one-page abstract should be sent
via email before November 15, 2017 to:
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Keynote Speaker
Walter Edward Young
McGill University, Montréal, Canada
“On the Formal Evolution of Islamic Juridical Dialectic”
Matthias Armgardt
Konstanz University, Germany
“Analogies in Civil Law”
Contributing Speakers
Zidani Farid,
Department of Philosophy, University of Alger 2, Algeria,
“The Interaction of Logic and Jurisprudence in the Islamic Tradition: A Genealogy of a Long-Lasting Antagonism”
Christophe Fouqueré and
Myriam Quatrini,
LIPN, CNRS, Université Paris 13, France and CNRS, Institut de Mathématiques de Marseille, Université d'Aix-Marseille, France,
“Ludics for modelling the role of a judge during legal debates”
Hális Alves do Nascimento França,
Graduate Program in Language Studies, Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil,
“Textual Discourse Analysis: Towards an Illocutionary- Argumentative Model for the International Legal Discourse”
Muhammad Iqbal,
Antasari State Islamic University, Indonesia,
“Abu Isaq al-Shirazi' System of Co-Relational Inferences by Indication”
Sébastien Lacroix,
Laval University, Canada,
“Vagueness in the Law and the Sorites Paradox”
Douglas Lind,
Department of Philosophy, Virginia Tech College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences, USA,
“Abductive Inference in Legal Reasoning: Reconceiving Res Ipsa Loquitur”
Réka Markovich,
Centre for Philosophy of Natural and Social Sciences, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK; Department of Logic, Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary;
Department of Business Law, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary,
“A Formal Analysis of (Human) Rights and (State) Duties”
David Miller,
Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK,
“Cohen's Criticisms of the Use of Probability in the Law”
Hesam Mohamadi,
Department of Philosophy, Tarbiat Modares University, Iran,
“Judgement based on chance in legal ties”
Hans Christian Nordtveit Kvernenes,
Department of Philosophy, Université Lille 3, France,
“A Dialogical Framework for Analogy in European Legal Reasoning”
Rafał Urbaniak,
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University, Belgium and
Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism, University of Gdańsk, Poland,
“Narrations in judiciary fact-finding and the difficulty about conjunction”
Max Urchs,
EBS University of Business and Law, Wiesbaden, Germany,
“Coping with inconsistencies in legal reasoning”
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