June 22-24, 2018

!!! This schedule is subject to change until the last minute !!!

Workshop at
UNILOG'2018 organized
Angel Garrido
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Fundamental Mathematics, UNED, Madrid, Spain
Urszula Wybraniec-Skardowska
Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland
Editors of the forthcoming book The Lvov-Warsaw School. Past and Present
Grzegorz Malinowski
Department of Logic, University of Łódź, Poland
The beginnings of the Lvov School, later on called the Lvov-Warsaw School, are connected with the person of Kazimierz Twardowski, a disciple of Franz Brentano, and his taking the post of Head of the Chair of Philosophy at Lvov University. It was thanks to Twardowski that a modern school of philosophy was established, which was where a host of outstanding philosophers, logicians, psychologists, university professors and organizers of scholarly life in independent Poland came from. Owing to the activity of the School, multiplicity of attitudes and a variety of represented views, not only philosophical, it was also possible to develop formal logic and mathematics, and the accomplishments of representatives of these disciplines are often included into pioneering and seminal on the global scale.
J. Łukasiewicz and S. Leśniewski were the founders of the world-famous Warsaw School of Logic. The former propagated the idea of applying logical tools to the classical metaphysics. The latter built three systems of logic (prototetic, ontology, mereology), which showed formal values and applications in the spirit of nominalism. Their disciples were, among others, A. Tarski – the author of a pioneering dissertation on semantic theory of truth (1933) and, following World War 2, the founder of the Californian School at Berkeley, S. Jaśkowski, A. Lindenbaum, Cz. Lejewski, B. Sobociński, J. Słupecki, M. Wajsberg.
The works by the following disciples of K.Twardowski can also be considered seminal: K. Ajdukiewicz – in the field of logical theory of language (significant for the so-called mathematical linguistics; Y. Bar-Hillel, N. Chomsky), and also in the area of logical analysis of epistemology; T. Kotarbinski – the founder of reism (nominalistic philosophical conception) as well as praxeology – science of effective action.
Logical theory of science was the subject matter successfully dealt with by T. Czeźowski, Z. Zawirski, I. Dambska, M. Kokoszynska-Lutmanowa, J. Hosiassion–Lindenbaumowa, J. Kotarbinska, H. Mehleberg.
The flourishing of the Polish school of logic and philosophy before the outbreak of WW2 received a lot of attention worldwide. After the War, the Lvov-Warsaw School ceased to exist. Its representatives, who had managed to survive the turmoil of war, went to live in different parts of Poland and all over the world, having left the output, which – despite the communist regime – was able to revive and develop a new Polish logic, owing to continuation of its traditions and strong connections with multiple disciplines: philosophy, mathematics, computer science, linguistics, semiotics and others
Call for papers
We invite submissions on the following topics:
Historical analyses on what the L-WS phenomenon was
Philosophical motivations for creation of logical research by representatives of the L-WS
L-WS, the Vienna Crircle and the Berlin circle
Achievements of the main representatives of the L-WS and their development or continuation
Influence of results of the L-WS on the development of new fields of knowledge
Influence of creatively-developing Polish logic (by, among others, S. Jaśkowski, A. Mostowski, J. Słupecki, A.Grzegorczyk, J. Łoś, R. Suszko, L. Borkowski, R. Sikorski, H. Rasiowa, Z. Pawlak, R. Wójcicki) on the level of contemporary philosophy and other domains of science
Alfred Tarski and L-WS
Polish Logic in the world today
Abstracts (one page) should be sent by November 15, 2017 via e-mail to:
and/or agarrido@mat.uned.es
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Keynote Speakers
Jan Woleński
Department of Social Sciences, University of Information, Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland
“Polish Contributions to Universal Logic”
Kordula Swietorzecka
Department of Logic and Methodology of Science, Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw, Poland
“he Ace of the Second Generation of the Lvov-Warsaw School. Boles law Sobocinski and some of his unknown philosophical views”
 Grzegorz Malinowski
Department of Logic, University of Łódź, Poland
“Jan Łukasiewicz: his many-valued logic”
Contributing Speakers
Anna Brożek and
Marcin Będkowski and
Alicja Chybińska and
Stepan Ivanyk and
Dominik Traczykowski,
Department of Methodology of Humanities,\\ Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland,
“Methodological peculiarities of the Lvov-Warsaw School”
Bożena Czernecka-Rej,
The John Paul II Catholic University, Lublin, Poland,
“On Ludwik Borkowski's philosophico-logical views”
Jan Czerniawski,
Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Poland,
“Free Ontology as the logic for reism”
Angel Garrido,
Faculty of Sciences, Department of Fundamental Mathematics, National Distance Education University, Madrid, Spain,
“From Aristotle to Lvov-Warsaw School”
Joanna Golińska-Pilarekand
Taneli Huuskonen,
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland,
“On Grzegorczyk's Logics of Descriptions and Descriptive Equivalences”
Joanna Grygiel,
Institute of Philosophy,Jan Długosz University, Częstochow, Poland,
“On the Notion of Independence”
Andrzej Indrzejczak,
Department of Logic, University of Łódź, Poland,
“Stanisław Jaśkowski and the first textbook based\\ on Natural Deduction”
Stepan Ivanyk,
Department of Methodology of Humanities, Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland,
“Methodological aspects of research on the Ukrainian branch of the Lvov-Warsaw School”
Stanisław Krajewski,
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw, Poland,
“Characterizing Context-Independent Logical Notions Among the Context-Dependent Ones. The Case of Quantifiers and Inferences”
Dorota Leszczyńska-Jasion,
Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland,
“Polish trends in the logic of questions”
Roman Murawski,
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland,
“Ontology of logic and mathematics in the Lvov-Warsaw School”
Marek Porwolik,
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw, Poland,
“The application of Cz.\ Lejewski's Chronology in determining mereological genidentity”
Dariusz Surowik,
Łomźa State University of Applied Sciences,
“Lvov-Warsaw School and Artificial Intelligence”
Valérie Lynn Therrien,
Western University, London, Ontario, Canada,
“The Axiom of Choice and the Road Paved by Sierpiński”
Marcin Tkaczyk and
Anna Maria Karczewska,
John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland,
“Jerzy Łoś Juvenilia”
Rafał Urbaniak,
Centre for Logic and Philosophy of Science, Ghent University, Belgium and
Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Journalism University of Gdansk, Poland ,
“Abstraction principles via Leśniewskian definitions:\\ potential infinity and arithmetic”
Jan Woleński,
Department of Social Sciences, University of Information, Technology and Management, Rzeszów, Poland,
“Jerzy Słupecki and the Consequence Operation”
Marcin Wolski,
Department of Logic and Cognitive Science, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Lublin, Poland,
“The Rasiowa-Pawlak School: From Algebra of Logic to Algebra of Data (and Back)”
Piedad Yuste,
Departament of Philosophy, National Distance Education University, Spain,
“The Lvov-Warsaw School and Indian Logic”
Urszula M..Zegleń,
Department of Cognitive Science and Epistemology, Institute of Philosophy, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń, Poland,
“How to reply today to the issues raised by Kazimierz Twardowski in his Images and Concepts (1898)”
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