LOGIC AND PHYSICS June 22, Afternoon and June 23, Morning

Workshop at
UNILOG'2018 organized
Bob Coecke
Oxford University, England
We invite contributions on all interactions of physics and logic, new or old, modest or bold, hot or cold. However, the keynote talks focus on two brand-new, hot and very bold results.
The first talk concerns a unified account on all forms of physical causality, including the indefinite causal structures that one may expect in quantum gravity, and was first presented this year at IEEE-LiCS.
The other one concerns a complete logical calculus for Hilbert space quantum theory, which is the 1st ever of its kind.
We would like the speakers, independent of the particular subject of their contribution, to reflect on how logical accounts on physics could contribute to future theories of physics, rather than merely explanation and/or recasting the existing theories. The failure to have done so may be an explanation for why currently the role of logic in mainstream physics is nowhere near e.g. the role of logic either in mathematics or computer science.
Call for papers
We invite contributions on all interactions of physics and logic for example:
Here, logic should be conceived in the very broad sense as any reasoning aid.
Contributed talks should not exceed a duration of 30 minutes including discussion. A one-page abstract should be sent via email before December 1st, 2017 to:
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Keynote Speakers
Sander Uijlen (relativity talk)
Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands
Simon Perdrix (quantum talk)
LORIA, Nancy, France
Contributing Speakers
Bob Coecke,
University of Oxford,
“From Quantum to Cognition”
Douglas Moore,
“Theory of Forms : a reconstruction of ancient metaphysics applied to the logical foundations of modern physics”
Zeno Toffano,
CentraleSupélec, CNRS-L2S, Gif-sur-Yvette, France,
Sean Tull,
University of Oxford,
“A Categorical Reconstruction of Quantum Theory”
Ranjith Venkatrama,
Roberto Giuntini,
Giuseppe Sergioli,
Università degli Studi di Cagliari, Cagliari, Italy,
“Negations and Truth-perspectives pertaining to Qudit based Multi-valued Quantum Computational Logics”
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