The Idea of Logic: Historical Perspectives
org: Juliette Lemaire and Amirouche Moktefi

Philosophy of non-classical logics
org: Marcos Silva and Ingolf Max

Representation and reality: humans, animals and machines
org: Raffaela Giovagnoli

4th International Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention and General Intelligence - C3GI
org: Tarek Besold, Kai-Uwe Kühnberger, Alan Smaill and Marco Schorlemmer

Non-Classical Abstract Logics
org: Fabien Schang and James Trafford

Emergent Computational Logics
org: Bora Kumova, Christoph Benzmüller, Fernando Bobillo, Antonio Chella, Guillermo Simari and Katsumi Inoue

Utopian Thinking and Logic-s
org: Thalia Magioglou

Medieval Logic
org: Rodrigo Guerizoli

Philosophy of Computer Science
org: Petros Stefaneas and Nicola Angius

Connexive Logics
org: Hitoshi Omori and Heinrich Wansing

Logic and Information
org: Patrick Allo and Giuseppe Primiero

20 Years of Inconsistent Mathematics
org: Luis Estrada-González and Carlos César Jiménez

Frege's Puzzle
org: Marco Ruffino

Knowledge and the Commons
org: Natalia Avlona