Opening of the 6th Universal School of Logic - Saturday 16, 11-12h
Why Study Logic?

Here the full program of the 6th Universal School of Logic
June 16-26, 2018

Welcome School Party - Saturday 16, 19h
6th Universal School of Logic

Closing session 6th Universal School of Logic, Wednesday 20, 18-19h
Why, What, When, Where & How to Publish ?!

Opening of the 6th World Congres of Universal Logic - Thursday 21, 11h-12h
Welcome Address

Here the full program of lectures of the 6th World Congress of Logic
June 21-26, 2018

Music Day / Fête de la Musique - Thursday 21 - all day
People playing music in the street, you too !

Cocktail at the City Hall, Friday 22, 18h30
Courtesy of the Mayor of Vichy

Cocktail at Aletti Palace, Saturday 23 at 19h, followed at 21h by the talk of the Secret Speaker
Good opportunity to test the local food and wine as well as one of the best alive logician

Free Afternoon, Saturday 23
Good opportunity to better know the City of Vichy and the Bourbonnais

Logic Prizes - Sunday 24 afternoon
Watch the best logicians of the world in action!

Banquet - Sunday 24 evening, 20h
Enjoy good food and drink at the Aletti Palace

Music Show - Monday 25 evening 21h
Relax with good music at the Aletti Palace

Farewell Party - Tuesday 26 evening at Vichy University Campus
Taste the local Food and Drinks, by Courtesy of Vichy Community